All goods are shipped from Denmark to the specified address, with insurance included. Our parcels do not display our brand name for security.
We use GLS for domestic deliveries and UPS for international orders. A signature is required upon receipt, and if unavailable, parcels are rerouted to a designated location, with notification sent to the customer.
For orders with multiple items, dispatch will occur once all items are ready.
When UPS delivers your order internationally, you may sometimes be asked to provide your Social Security number to clear your package through customs. If UPS needs this information, they will reach out to you directly by email or phone to guide you through the process.
We provide free standard delivery to all countries on our shipping list, with no minimum order requirement. Access the complete list by clicking 'SHIP TO' in the top left corner when browsing on desktop. If your country isn't listed, contact our customer care for assistance. In such cases, delivery costs may apply.
For 'IN STOCK' items:
We also offer 'MADE TO ORDER' items with delivery times ranging from 8-30 days. Our customer service can expedite delivery by locating items in our flagship stores. Contact customer service for order updates.
All shipments are insured and come with a tracking number. After dispatch, you will receive a track and trace number via email (check your spam filter). Contact customer service for order updates.